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Hand Case 7 References

Volar PIP dislocation with ring on finger (with fracture fragment)

1. Leggit JC, Meko CJ: Acute Finger Injuries. Am Fam Physician 2006; 73: 827-34, 839.

2. Lyn E, Antosia RE: Hand. In Marx JA, Hockberger RS, Walls RM. (eds): Rosen's Emergency Medicine, 6th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2006, 594-5.

3. Ufberg J, McNamara R: Management of Common Dislocations. In Roberts JR, Hedges JR (eds): Clinical Procedures in Emergency Medicine, 4th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2004, 969-75.

The authors would like to acknowledge Patrick Lank, MD, for his contributions to this case.